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The Content Shop

Everything we offer is designed to help make content creation so fun, efficient, and profitable that you can’t help but be consistent with it.

The Entrées

Complete step-by-step solutions to help you achieve your biggest content goals and projects

Shop Page - Minimalist Content System

The Minimalist Content System

Schedule a year of content in as little as 30 days.

Shop Page - The Profitable Funnel Sprint

The Profitable Funnel Sprint

Launch an evergreen funnel that sells for you in just 30 days.

Shop Page - The 10K Monthly Content System

The $10K Monthly Content System

Set up your $10K monthly content system in 30 days or less.

Need Help Deciding Which One is Right For Right Now?

As Seen In

As Seen In

The Dessert Menu

Lighter (but equally as delicious) options for specific content problems and goals

Shop Page - Content Habit App

The Daily Content Habit App

The web app that helps you turn your content into a daily habit you actually enjoy.

Shop Page - The Content Hub

The Content Hub Template (Airtable Edition)

Organize every single aspect of your content systems from assets to editorial calendar.

Shop Page - The 2024 Content Empire Planner

2024 Content Empire Planner + Bundle

12-month planner that takes you through every step of planning and managing your content.

Shop Page - The Content Campaign Generator

Content Campaign Generator

Get Paid to Create Content and Grow Your Audience at the Same Time.

Shop Page - Content Empire Rebellion

Your Content Rebellion: The Book

The Business Owner's Guide to Creating a Content Strategy and Blog Plan They'll Stick With

Shop Page - Content and Inspiration Bank Template

Content Bank & Inspiration Bank Systems Kit

Organize your past and future content so you can get focused on creating and sharing it

Shop Page - Done-For-You Content Workflows

Done-For-You Core Content Workflows (Written, Video or Podcast)

Create your tailored-to-you content workflows without having to start from scratch

Your Content Empire - Testimonial - Amber McCue

“Hailey never ceases to amaze me with all of the savvy content strategies she has in her toolbox. Just when you think you have her figured out, she pops up with something more incredible than you could imagine!


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