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Your Content Empire - About - Hailey Dale

About Your Content Empire

Want to Know the Secret to Pumping Out Consistent Content and Making Great Money From It, Too?


Are you feeling (maybe more than) a little burnt out when it comes to content?

You rush to get something published, a disappointing number of people see it, and before you know it you’re right back where you started the following week?

Yep, you’re stuck in the ugly content Groundhog Day loop— but guess what, friend? You’re not alone.

And that’s where I come in – here to rescue you from a never-ending game of content whack-a-mole.

Content Expert. Sales Funnel Strategist. Mobile Bar Owner. Planner and Housewives Addict.

Hi, I’m Hailey 👋 a content genie (some say), founder of Your Content Empire and strategist who helps business owners get consistent with their content and build their 6-figure content empires on their own terms.

With the belief that great content is 20% strategy and 80% get-the-damn-thing-published, I’ve designed the 6-Figure+ Content Empire Foundation—a customizable framework that blends strategy with systems and has helped thousands of business owners (just like you) build money-making content empires on their own terms.


The Go-To Content Education Company

For business owners who are eager to get consistent with their content and make great money from it, too.


But let’s back up:

Picture this: It’s 2014, a.k.a. the golden age of small business Facebook groups, and post after post was about how impossible it was to get eyeballs on their content and find the time/motivation/inspiration to create enough content to keep the hamster wheel going.

I knew it was a problem because it was mine too.

At the time, I was working full time as a communications consultant for governments and corporations and had first-hand access to the big strategies, techniques and processes used to pull off mega million-dollar content campaigns.

And I wondered: Could these processes be scaled down for small businesses?

Cue the movie makeover montage as I got to work reinventing the resources that would help small business owners go from drowning in to do’s to keeping up with their content strategies and consistently putting out high-quality content and see consistent results (like more sales, more audience growth and visibility) in return.

And since then?

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners through my agency and thousands of customers through my courses and digital products to help them unlock the secret to content consistency and building their content empires completely on their own terms.


10 Things to Know About Yours Truly

My favourite show ever is Gilmore Girls – I rewatch the entire series annually. But I can also talk your ear off about Real Housewives, Drag Race and Wheel of Time, too.

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I’m obsessed with tea in fancy, for the heck of it, teacups or quippy mugs that make me laugh

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I’m a big planner - can even veer a little into procrasti-planning territory - when I don’t watch myself

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In fact, a telltale sign I’m overwhelmed? I start pulling out the post-its and using them to quite literally compartmentalize EVERYTHING.

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I have a love-hate relationship with personality tests - yes, I find them interesting, but I also wonder if they get us boxing ourselves in, too #ClassicINTJ

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If I meet you in the street and you’re with your dog, I’m saying hi to the dog first (can’t help myself)

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As much as I love my pretty office, you’ll usually find me working at the kitchen table or in the nexus of our sectional couch

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I have a masters degree in communications (so technically I’m kinda sorta using my degree) but I’ve learned WAY more from working behind the content scenes of so many different businesses

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I create a new piece of content every single morning (even if it never sees the light of day) because content creation is a habit to be cultivated as much as it's about the end result

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And last but not least, it’s important that my business is carbon negative - I try my best to go paperless whenever possible and more than offset my carbon footprint every year (our goal is to plant at least 600 trees this year).

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Why We Do What We Do

I want you to think about your content as an asset and an investment into the future of your business. Not a chore.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients when they come to me for help is that they struggle to be consistent. But if there’s one thing I know, it’s this:


Which is why we’re on a mission to get our strategies, systems and spreadsheets into your hands so you can consistently share your ideas, own your expertise, and build a sustainable business on your own terms without overwhelm. This way you have the time, space, and creative bandwidth to make the impact and money you want.


If you’re ready to get to work designing your own 6-figure (and beyond) content empire, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?


What is your content creator archetype?

Find out so you can finally get crack the code to aligned and consistent content, build up momentum, get more sales and grow an audience that can’t get enough of your content.

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