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Ultimate Guide to the Sales Emails to Include in Your Next Launch

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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Sales Funnels
Ultimate Guide to the Sales Emails to Include in Your Next Launch

Does it feel like anytime you have sales emails to write you get a little stuck on you're supposed to write?

That's probably the most common complaint I hear when it comes to sales emails… besides the other side of things where people complain equally about the number and quality of the sales emails their receiving.

So if you're ready for crystal clarity and complaint-proof emails – I'm so excited to introduce you to my sales email grid.

Here is the sales email grid with my 9 go-to sales emails that I’ll use depending on which phase of a launch or offer period you’re in.

These include emails to kick-off or use at the start of your offer period, emails for responding to and addressing objections or excuses and then emails you can use to build momentum.

Let's go through each email in the grid

Kick-Off Sales Emails

The first type of sales email are the kickoff emails. These include the announcement email, the plan email, and the why email.

These are the foundation emails that answer what, why and how about your offer and set the stage for the rest of your launch.

#1 The Announcement Email:

I use this email to officially open the cart or present an offer to my email list for the first time.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Present the problem in terms of “yes” rhetorical questions
  • Present the solution
  • Present the implications the solution could have on their business or life
  • Present what’s included with benefits attached to each feature (fascinators) – “feature” so that “benefit of that feature and why it matters.”
  • Present the special offer and what’s next (why take action now)
  • Closers: 3 more “yes” questions that inspire action or a powerful testimonial
  • Call-to-action

#2 The Plan Email:

This email is meant to build confidence by proving that you have a well-laid out plan to resolve a real issue they’re dealing with.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Remind them of the biggest 3 pain points or problems they’ve likely come across
  • Present the typical solutions they might have tried before
  • Present the flaws with those solutions and why they fail
  • Present your 3-5 step plan of how your offer is laid out. AKA your signature process. And a few points about each step.
  • Call-to-action
  • Explain why this process works and how it’s worked for you and/or clients.
  • Testimonial that speaks to the plan.
  • Call-to-action

#3 The Why Email:

This email is meant to get personal and share the big why to explain how this offer came to be. The purpose is to connect and share how you’ve also been where they are.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Show awareness of the perception that you have this area of expertise all figured out. (Your After)
  • Tell them why it wasn’t always this way.
  • Present the struggles you used to have in this area.
  • Present the turning point.
  • Give your makeover montage. What were the high-level steps you took? How did you “earn” your expertise?
  • Present why this leads you to come up with your solution.
  • Present the outcomes others have had because of this solution.
  • Call-to-action

Excuse-Buster Sales Emails

The second type of email is the objection buster emails. These include the proof email, the FAQ email, and biggest objection email.

Our goal with these email isn’t to tell people that what they’re worried about is wrong (that’s a losing battle) but to reframe their worries and make them see them differently.

#4 The Proof Email:

This showcases the success that a client has had using your solution. It’s a deeper dive into the results and their implications.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Introduce the client/customer
  • What did their before look like? What were they struggling with? (Get specific about the tangibles and the emotional side too)
  • What steps did they take within your solution? What was their experience like? (*Hyperlink your offer)
  • What did their after look like? What results did they enjoy because of your solution?
  • What has this meant for their life and/or business?
  • Call-to-action

#5 The FAQ Email:

This email is to answer questions that might be in the back of their minds and stack arguments for your solution.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Acknowledge that you’ve been receiving questions
  • Present the question + your answers that make a case for your solution
  • Types of questions to include:
    • Time
    • Money
    • Results
    • Applicability
    • Guarantees
    • What Happens Next
    • Who It’s For, Who It Isn’t For
    • Why should buy now instead of waiting
  • Call-to-action

#6 The Objection Email:

This email is to deal with the biggest elephant in the room. The biggest BUT that the majority of your leads for your offer are probably thinking and that’s holding them back.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Present the objection
  • Acknowledge that it’s accurate and valid
  • Present the ways that you’ve designed your solution to overcome it
  • Present the ways their life/business will benefit from the removal of that obstacle and successful implementation of your solution
  • Testimonial (ideally naming the objection)
  • Call-to-action

Momentum Emails

Our final three emails in our email type are the momentum emails that you can use to kickstart momentum again in your launch or offer period.

In most launches, sales come in at the start and the very end. Our goal with these emails is to create momentum in the middle of the launch too. So you can use these emails to kick-off momentum again.

#7 The *Special* New Announcement Email:

During a launch, sales tend to come in waves – mostly at the beginning and end. So this email is meant to kick off the wave again and build more momentum by presenting a new bonus or unique payment plan.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Announcement = special payment plan, new bonuses or extras
  • Introduce the new thing with excitement
  • Explain why you chose to add it
  • Explain why it’s a game changer
  • Call-to-action
  • Reiterate the offer (what’s included with benefits)
  • Reiterate the new announcement addition
  • Call-to-action

#8 The Personal Touch Email:

What’s working best now launch-wise? Personal touches and outreach. So this is the perfect strategy/email to pull out near the end of the launch and early-bird period.

Here’s an idea of things to include in this email:

  • Make a list of 10 people who you think would be a good fit or who’ve reached out or engaged during your content campaign, pre-launch or sales period.
  • Personalization
  • Why you were thinking of them
  • What you know about their current situation
  • Why you think your solution could be perfect for them
  • Present an opportunity to talk one-on-one or respond to any questions
  • Either way, just know….

#9 The Closer Emails:

These emails are for when the special offer is closing or going away (and also for when the early-bird period is ending, if you have one). It’s actually a 3-email sequence.

Here’s an idea of how to use each of these closer emails:

  • Email #1 – 24 hours before – Send to everyone – Rewrite the announcement email but rephrase it, so it lets them know this is ending in 24 hours
  • Email #2 – Morning of – Send to everyone – 3 “Yes” Questions + Present your “now is your chance to change this” pitch + Call-to-action + Testimonials + Call-to-action
  • Email #3 – 5 hours before – Send to anyone who’s opened previous 2 emails – Short & sweet – Just a heads up that “offer” is closing in a few short hours – If you want [Benefits] + Call-to-action

Get all of these emails in a handy reference sheet:

Tip – Keep a Sales Email Swipe File

Now that you know the Power-9 of sales emails, you’ll begin to notice when you receive them. Pay attention to the ones that you feel drawn to and that are done well. I’m a big fan of adding these to an inspiration bank in Trello so that I have examples to follow or ideas for when I get a little stuck.

Even the best copywriters use swipe files when they're writing something new. So set yourself up for success by saving emails that you receive and love. We're not talking about copying them but taking cues from how they're structured and laid out. Here's one of my favourite blog posts about how and why to use a swipe file for your copy from Copyblogger.

Want a reference sheet for these emails? Download the Sales Email Grid PDF Infographic

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