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What is a Content Empire and How Do You Build One?

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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What is a Content Empire and How Do You Build One?

Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind-the-scenes of someone’s business? Like what steps and decisions did they make that brought them to their biz as it is right now?

I must be a super curious person because I always want to know!

And recently I’ve been having a lot of a conversations around what a content empire is and how do you transform your business into one.

And I wanted to share it with you now.

I define a content empire as a business that intentionally creates, promotes and monetizes their content to attract a highly-engaged audience who are primed to buy from them.

Does this sound like what you’re trying to build?

If so – read on – because I’m spilling all the tea about the 9 steps I took to build my content empire!

What is a Content Empire and How Do You Build One? by Your Content Empire

As you can see above from the Content Empire Blueprint, I break down the construction of a content empire in 3 phases with 3 steps each – the Woo & Convert phase, the Create & Serve phase and then the Share & Attract phase.

I go in this order because each phase builds upon the previous and won’t be as powerful without a solid foundation in place.

Under Woo & Convert

I put systems and structures into place so that when traffic arrives at my website, I’m prepared to welcome them with a free gift that leads to an offer that will help solve their biggest content woes.

Key Steps:

  1. Took stock of my existing content assets and set up measurement systems
  2. Created my flagship freebie system to attract and validate high-quality email subscribers
  3. Wrote and set up my offer system to nurture, engage and convert my subscribers with my paid offers (aka the solution to their content woes related to the freebie they signed up for in the previous step)

Under Create & Serve

I establish my core content that will engage my existing community and give them a reason to stick around my website once they’ve discovered it.

Key Steps:

  1. Create a profit-aligned content plan every quarter so I can consistently put out content that supports my business goals AND takes my community through an intentionally-crafted journey (aka content campaign) every month
  2. Developed blog content and systems to help me create juicy, must-read content and stick to my editorial calendar consistently without that always-behind feeling and guilt
  3. Crafted email marketing systems that see me communicating with my list regularly as well as running engaging community-building events and special promotions

Under Share & Attract

It’s time to amp up the traffic since I’m all ready to take really good care of the traffic I attract. In this phase, I leverage multiple traffic strategies to get discovered by the people who need what I offer the most.

Key Steps:

  1. Established savvy social media systems that let me distribute my content on multiple platforms without getting sucked into a productivity-sucking trap
  2. Plan, prepare and run paid traffic campaigns on either Pinterest or Facebook (depending on the purposes, potential ROI and goals) to grow my audience in a scalable and predictable way
  3. Developed a system for connecting with other entrepreneurs to support their communities and welcome them into my own through guest blogging, collaborations and interviews (win-win-win!)

There you have it – my full Content Empire Blueprint that you can use as inspiration to build your own profitable content empire!

Want support in building your own content empire?

I’ve created a Content Empire Roadmap with an accompanying checklist that breaks down each step. If you want a copy, you can download it here…

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