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3 Easy Ways to Add a Human-Touch to Your Automated Funnel

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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Content Systems
Content Strategy
Sales Funnels
3 Easy Ways to Add a Human-Touch to Your Automated Funnel

In this post, I'm teaching your 3 ways to add a human-touch to your automated funnel.

People are kind of over funnels. And I can’t blame anyone for feeling this way – confession, I feel this way a lot of the time.

They’re so impersonal. And give you the sense that it’s all about getting as many numbers as possible signed up as possible. Nobody wants to feel like they’re just a number.

Every subscriber who signs up for your free gift is a person with a name (and not just a name in the sense that you’ll use a email tag to use their name in the email, but a real person with a name).

So how can you make your funnels feel more human. How can you see and recognize everyone who signs up for you funnel even though it might be hundreds (or thousands) signing up for them?

And so – here are my 3 top tips on how to make your funnel feel more human and actually become more effective

Add in live (online) events

What is your secondary touchpoint after someone has signed up for your freebie?

Do you stick to their inbox or are you encouraging them to interact with you on a different platform too?

Add more of a human-touch to your funnel by showing that you’re, ahem, human. One of my favourite ways to do this is to invite your new subscriber to an online event where they get to interact with you, ask questions and connect with other community members.

Some ideas of the events that work are:

  • Co-Working Time or a work-with-me session
  • A mini onboarding workshop working through your signature freebie
  • A weekly Q&A call

I don’t think anything will give a better taste of your teaching flavour then seeing you in action doing what you do best!

Personally reach out to your most engaged subscribers

Often when people are deciding whether or not to purchase something, they’re looking for a sign. We’re so bombarded with purchasing decisions on a daily basis that often we avoid making any decision at all.

Think of it as a balance scale that can easily tip in one direction or another. The default is no decision. So it can take a little something extra to move us to a yes.

That’s where this next “humanize your funnel” strategy comes in.

Monitor your funnel – who are your most engaged subscribers? You should be able to tell based on who’s clicking on your emails again and again.

Can you personally reach out to them or connect with them on social in a way that lets them know they’re seen, valued and supported?

Don’t ask for the sale (yet) … do this instead

Of course I want you to ask for sale – but that ask is going to be way more powerful if it comes after your lead already trusts you.

Trust is a game changer in terms of conversions and building an engaged audience.

So instead of asking for the sale right after they’ve subscribed – leverage the power of micro-commitments.

For example – maybe they’ve just downloaded your free PDF, your second ask might be for them to join your FB group and introduce themselves, then maybe it’s sharing the freebie, following you on Instagram or responding to a simple question.

You can stack these to work up to bigger commitments as long as something good happens after they’ve taken the action.

  • Sharing the freebie maybe unlocks a reward.
  • Responding to your question maybe warrants a sincere thank you.
  • Joining your Facebook group maybe results in a heartfelt welcome to the community.

Then by the time they’ve taken these micro-actions, trust that good stuff happens when they do, your ask for the sale is going to be hard to resist!

Action Plan: Add a Human-Touch to Your Your Automated Funnel

It’s funny that in our collective obsession with automation that our biggest opportunities come from personal touches (actually this makes the personal touches stand out even more!)

#1 – Identify Your Human Touch Opportunities: Step 1 is to identify places where you can possibly de-automate your funnel and add in more of a human element.

#2 – Choose one of these three humanizing ideas to experiment with and see the difference it can make to the engagement levels of your community AND your conversion rates.

Feeling Inspired to Re-Map Out Your Funnel?

Sign up for my FREE funnel mapping workshop and get my exclusive funnel mapping template ↓

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