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How to Create an Offer Docket to Position Your Offers

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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Sales Funnels
How to Create an Offer Docket to Position Your Offers

What makes your offer unique?

Why should people choose it over other options?

I find these questions can sometimes make us entrepreneurs feel a little squeamish.

But if you bring run through this systemized positioning process – you'll have a confident answer to that question in no time 🙂

What is Positioning?

Positioning is where your brand or offer sits in the minds of your clients compared to similar offers from your competitors. How can you present your offer in a way that highlights its unique attributes and benefits? How can you make your offer stand out from the other options?

This isn’t so much about comparison as it is about knowing your strengths and learning how to best communicate them.

The first step is to identify those points of differentiation.

So what makes your offer unique? What special perks make it an amazing opportunity for your clients?

Here’s an example: For my Profitable Sales Funnel package, I include things that I know other people aren’t offering. Like my specialized testing protocol or my 100 subscriber project. Other things include the 3-month measurement reports and the co-creation content interviews for all the emails and the freebie. So when I market the package or have a consult call, I sell the results I’ve gotten for clients AND I highlight what makes this a unique + smart business investment.

When it comes to creating sales pages, writing email sequences or pulling promo copy for an offer – you’ll be set if you’ve taken a bit of time to create positioning and details document with all the info about your offer. I’ve been calling it your Awesome Offer Docket since way back here in 2016, but my process has changed a bit so I wanted to do a refresh!

What is the Offer Docket?

The first thing I do with my clients and students when we’re building their sales funnels or starting to plan a pre-launch is to create their offer docket (basically a go-to reference file) with everything about their offer.

And as an added bonus – if you have yet to create a salespage for your offer, doing this work will also get you the copy needed for that salespage. Or the reverse, if you already have a salespage, you’ll be able to pull together a lot of this information really easily.

Below you can see an example of one of my awesome offer dockets – I have these for every single one of my offers in my business. And it really helps me have all the information at the ready for marketing my offers.

The other thing I include in my Offer Docket is a crystal clear profile of who my client is so I can speak directly to her and completely understand where she’s at, what she’s struggling with and what language she uses to talk about those struggles and desires. This is really useful tool for creating my content too. Here’s a post I wrote a post recently about how to create your reader to client journey.

How to Create an Offer Docket to Create and Position Your Offers By Your Content Empire

Putting Together Your Own Offer Docket

Ready to create your own Offer Docket? Let’s get started!

1. Create a Google Drive (or Dropbox) folder for the offer

2. Answer the following questions in a new Google (or Word) doc

  • Description of the offer (long and short)
  • Main transformation of the offer
  • Fascinators (Feature so that… Benefit)
  • What’s Included
  • How the Offer Delivered
  • Who it’s for + Who it isn’t for
  • Questions & Anticipated Objections
  • Testimonials
  • Pricing
  • Important Links (salespages, order form, thank you page, files)
  • Customer or Client Profile + Journey

3. Gather related materials

If you have any promotional copy, images or mockups, emails that you’ve used for this offer, add these to the folder too.

4. Other Considerations

Here are a few other things you’ll find in my Offer Dockets that I find really useful but consider optional:

  • Storybrand Map – For each of my offers, I have a Storybrand Map created. You can go here to buy the book and here to create your free Storybrand Map.
  • Social Screenshots of People Discussing Your Offer – If you have any social media screenshots or emails from people praising your offer, you can add those. I like to use these (with permission or blurring).
  • Customer Service Doc – I keep a running doc for any questions that commonly come up from potential customers and customers. So that if we answer the question once, we have a record and can copy/paste with slight edits going forward.

What to do next

Interested in preparing your offer for sale? Download the Offer Docket checklist to get your next offer primed for promotion.

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