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The Content Post-It Method: 30 Days of Content With This Simple Daily Challenge

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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The Content Post-It Method by Your Content Empire

Want to know the #1 reason why most people fail at content marketing? It's not what you think. It's not about lacking creativity, having writers block, or even being too busy…

It's about being stuck in your own head.

I'm going to show you a ridiculously simple system using just post-it notes that's helped my clients create 30 days of content in under an hour. No more staring at a blank screen wondering what to post.

Even better? You don't need fancy tools, complicated strategies, or hours of planning. Just a pack of post-its and 25 minutes a day.

If you're ready to stop overthinking and start actually posting content that connects with your audience, stay tuned.

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Introducing the Content Post-It Challenge

The Content Post-It Challenge is about getting out of your own way. So often (myself included), it can be really challenging to achieve what I call “content quo” when you're publishing consistently and seeing better and better results because of it.

It's a hurdle you have to overcome if you are going to start seeing consistent results. Consistency begets consistency. Show me someone who's maintained steady sales and engagement, and I'll show you someone who has been steadfastly present, day in and day out.

This challenge is also about exposure therapy. I'm making the assumption because you're still watching this, that at least in some areas of your content marketing (maybe all of them), you'd like to show up a little more than you are or a little bit more strategic than you have been. And the reason why you haven't been able to hit that level with your content might come down to not having systems, not having an overarching strategy — but more often than not, it's because you're in your own head.

You might doubt what you have to say: Is it valuable enough? Has it already been said a thousand times already? What can I add to this conversation?

I guarantee you that on some level you take for granted all of the brilliant know-how you have and think that because it's easy for you, it must be easy for everyone else too. That is so not the case.

So this challenge is about just posting it. For 30 days in a row. And while it might feel really hard for day 1 through 5, it's going to feel easier and easier and like a total no big deal by the time you get to day 30. That's where to exposure therapy part comes in. We're “de-hardifying” posting your content through continuous exposure.

And we're embracing my phrase of the year, “even if.” So even if no one comments on your posts, you're going to keep posting. Even if you feel a little cringe posting, you're going to keep posting. Even if life gets busy, you're going to keep posting. If you're in for this challenge – getting that post up, is your “eat the frog” moment of the day for the next 30 days. The thing you get out of the way first thing when you sit down to work before starting on anything else.

Getting Prepped for Your Post-It Challenge

Before diving in to the 30-Day Content Post-It Challenge, I'd encourage you to get prepared. (I'm even hosting a little pre-challenge challenge to help you get ready, you can sign up anytime here)

But as an overview if you're going to DIY your prep, here's how I recommend prepping:

  1. Get clear on the offer you want to promote indirectly for the next 30 days. I'm not talking about making every single post a pitch to purchase something. But your offer is the theme that brings all of these posts together and gives cohesion. This is the best way to turn your content into a sales engine (LINK). So choose one of your offers that you'd like to focus your content around.

Side note – if you want to do a launch the following month, it's a really savvy idea to make the offer you're focused on the thing you're going to be launching. It'll help activate and validate your audience for that particular launch.

  1. Decide where you're going to publish your posts. This might be your email or social media – ideally a mix of both. In most cases, this isn't going to be a blog post – although you can certainly stretch yourself to create a blog or YouTube video or podcast episode for 30 days but just be prepared for extra work compared to micro blogging on social or through email.
  2. Create your post-its. I love having a visual, so come up with 30 topics, write each one on a post it and put it on your wall. Each morning when it's time to write, you'll grab a post-it, create your post and publish it. It's kind of like a launch post-it wall full of names but for content topics instead.

To come up with your topics, use your offer and the customer you serve as a jumping off point:

  • What are commonly asked questions about the topic of the offer?
  • What are some hot takes you have about the topic of the offer? Hard truths? Against the grain opinions?
  • What problems does this offer solve? And how can you reframe them?
  • What success stories do you have related to this offer that would be inspiring?

Come up with at least 30 topics before beginning your challenge – the worst thing you could do for yourself is sit down for a day of your challenge without knowing ahead of time what you're going to write about.

Mini plug for my pre-challenge challenge where'll I'll give you each topic for your 30-day challenge. You can sign up here >>

The Content Post-It Challenge Process

After you've completed your prep, you're ready to start your 30 days. Here's the daily routine:

  1. Pick a topic to write about for the day. If you've created a post-it wall of topics, you can grab one from your wall.
  2. Set a 25 minute time to free write your post or email.
  3. Edit your post and pair it with a visual if it's going on social. Maybe this is a b-roll video that you'll add text too, a carousel or a standalone picture.
  4. Post it on your preferred platform.

I'd recommend setting a block in your calendar for up to 60 minutes depending on how long you need to complete your post. Remember, the point is to practice posting not create some perfectionistic dream post so stick to the time you set for yourself.

A few things that'll make your 30-day challenge easier:

  1. Creating templates for the images or videos you'll use so you can create them really quickly and just swap out the graphics/text
  2. A B-Roll library of clips you've filmed, or stock b-roll or images on hand
  3. SOPs for posting or sending an email so you have a checklist to follow.

What Happens After the Content Post-It Challenge?

After you've completed the Content Post-It Challenge, I'd recommend taking stock of everything that happened. Did you make more sales? Did you make more connections? What kind of opportunities did you make? Did you get better at creating and posting on a daily basis?

Then you can decide to leave it there. Take the lessons and put this Content Post-It Challenge in your back pocket for when you're feeling like you're in a content rut or need to shake things up.

Or this can become the usual. Repeat the Content Post-It Challenge with a different offer in mind (or the same one even but focused on a slightly different audience segment).

Want a Content Post-It Headstart?

If you've ever felt any content publishing resistance or just struggled to get consistent with posting (despite starting and stopping at least a dozen times), sign up for this challenge:

  • Get 5 powerful post-it prompts that'll help you whip up a daily post (or email) fast without getting stuck overthinking 
  • Learn my 3-step daily ritual for getting your daily post written, prepped and published 
  • Discover the strategy secrets behind turning daily posting into consistent sales and opportunities


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