congrats on finishing the quiz—your results are headed to your inbox (check your spam folder if you don’t see them). IN THE MEANTIME, want to pick up the 2024 Content empire planner for 50% off ($48,50, regularly $97)



When you become more consistent and committed with your content?

Then we’ve got something with your name written all over it …

The planner helped me get clear on my big business goals and also structure out my content accordingly. I also now have a much better idea of how to repurpose content and all of the other steps I need to consider. I feel so much less stressed and overwhelmed with my content and am getting more engagement since I am pushing out my content more consistently and in more places on social media. I love how it walks you through the whole process from start to finish. Never before had I considered coming up with monthly themes or tying my content directly to all my my business and revenue goals. Now it seems obvious but this kit has really changed the way I look at my blog and my business!”

Sarah Steckler,


Step into My Content Makeover Machine

Go From:

Just saying you’re going to get consistent with content for the umpteenth time.

Feeling disappointed when you hustle to get a post up only to have no one respond to it (and then have to start all over again on the next post)

Staring at blank cursor every time you sit down to create content and agonizing over WTH you even want to say.


Actually getting consistent with your content and seeing consistent results because of it.

Building up momentum with your content so that your audience is on the edge of their seats waiting for the next thing you post.

Having content creation feel EASY because you have a ton of inspiration and ideas at your fingertips.

“Get ready for structure! I was blown away by how systemic it was. From the idea of planning to writing to scheduling to seeing your results afterward. Before using it, I was struggling adding strategy into my content planning. Yes I would write out my plan, but with no purpose behind it. I was lost until this planner came along.”

Vittoria Daelli,


Here’s How the Content Empire Planner Works

Download The Planner

Create your trickle-down content plan (from annual goals to quarterly strategies to monthly content plans to weekly action plans), following along with the step-by-step video walkthroughs.

Pick Your Path

Do you want to batch your content or take a more bespoke one-at-a-time approach? Once you’ve decided, start your chosen content creation workflow complete with templates, checklists and prompts.

Leverage Your Content

Leverage the heck out of the content you’ve created using the repurposing recipes that’ll walk you through 20+ recipes for turning every piece of content into several other posts for other platforms.


Look Inside the Content Empire Digital Planning Bundle…

The 2024 Content Empire Planner

A 180+ page, dated planner that helps you create a strategic content plan for the year, then quarter, then month and finally week.

Monthly Content Accountability

We’ll be checking in with you all year long through 2024 to remind you to use the planner (because even the best system in the world won’t work unless you use it!) and meeting on a quarterly basis for planning workshops!

Google Doc Versions of the Content Empire Planner

Google Doc Versions of the Planner

You have access to Google Doc versions of every section of the planner so that you can do your planning and copy and paste your work as needed – including files for the annual planning section, the quarterly planning sections and monthly planner.

Content Creation Workflows for Content Empire Planner

Batching Workflow (12 month access)

Get the monthly batching workflow to create all of your monthly content in 5 days. This bonus is chock-full of templates, checklists and prompts to make creating your blog, social, images and newsletter content a breeze! 

Repurposing Recipe Cookbook for Content Empire Planner

Repurposing Recipes (12 month access)

20+ recipes to help you turn one piece of content into many. There are recipes for social media posts, blog posts (different formats), reels and more.

CEO Dashboard Training for Content Empire Planner

CEO Dashboard Training (12 month access)

Keep your plans and goals top of mind with my personal CEO Dashboard set-up and template.

Meet Your Mentor

Hey there, I’m Hailey 👋

I work with business owners who S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E to create content consistently—let alone turn it into evergreen sales funnels that actually work.

I show them how to grow their audiences and sales using content – while making the entire process easier through simple workflows and systems.

When I’m not talking all things content and funnels? I’m usually catching up on episodes of Real Housewives, geeking out over my latest planner find or serving up prosecco on tap in my vintage horse trailer mobile bar.

Ready to Make Your 2024 Content Goals a Sure Thing?

Get the Entire 2024 Content Planning Bundle
$48.50 ($97 REGULARLY)


  • The 2024 Content Empire Planner (PDF Version)
  • The 2024 Content Empire Planner (Google Doc Versions)
  • Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Planner Walkthroughs
  • Monthly Accountability Emails to Make Sure You’re Staying on Track with Your Content Planning Throughout 2024
  • Quarterly Private Planning Workshops (December, March, June and September)
  • 12 months of access to the 2024 Content Empire Planning Bundle including…
    • CEO Dashboard Template and Training
    • Content Batching Workflow and Templates
    • My Personal Content Repurposing Recipe ‘Cookbook’
Just the (Printed) 2024 Planner)

Get a Print Version of the Planner from Amazon

Your Content Empire - Content Empire Planner - Content Planning


Everything You Get in the 2024 Content Empire Digital Planning Bundle…

180+ page digital planner to plan your annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly goals and content

3 step-by-step walkthrough videos for annual, quarterly and monthly ‘plan-along-with-me' sessions (12 months of access)

Monthly accountability emails to stay on track with your content planning and creation throughout 2024 (plus quarterly private planning workshops!)

BONUS: Google Doc versions of every section of the 2024 Content Empire Planner (value $97)

BONUS: CEO Dashboard Google Sheet template with a walkthrough training on how to set it up in Asana (12 months of access) (value $97)

BONUS: Complete content batching workflow to create a month of content in 5 days (12 months of access) (value $97)

BONUS: My personal content repurposing recipes ‘cookbook' to squeeze more ROI out of the content you create (12 months of access) (value $97)

The bonus batching sprint process helped me get ahead of my content and I had a full 3 weeks of content pre-scheduled for my content bundle on meditation for leaders. This is AMAZING since it takes the pressure off and allows me to create the next batch with ease! THIS is WHY I joined… and you’ve helped me achieve it! The changes in my content over the past 6 months is incredible! I’m writing 2 weekly newsletters, 1 blog article a week, plus daily posts on my FB and Insta pages. And it feels inspired, authentic and fun! Thanks for showing me how to make content finally “make sense” and be enjoyable too! Massive hugs :)”

Sarah Francescutti,

Ready to Make Your 2024 Content Goals a Sure Thing?

Get the Entire 2024 Content Planning Bundle
$48.50 ($97 REGULARLY)


  • The 2024 Content Empire Planner (PDF Version)
  • The 2024 Content Empire Planner (Google Doc Versions)
  • Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Planner Walkthroughs
  • Monthly Accountability Emails to Make Sure You’re Staying on Track with Your Content Planning Throughout 2024
  • Quarterly Private Planning Workshops (December, March, June and September)
  • 12 months of access to the 2024 Content Empire Planning Bundle including…
    • CEO Dashboard Template and Training
    • Content Batching Workflow and Templates
    • My Personal Content Repurposing Recipe ‘Cookbook’
Just the (Printed) 2024 Planner)

Get a Print Version of the Planner from Amazon

Copyright © 2024 - Your Content Empire

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